Q&A with Jillian

Q: What is the phone number you can dial the fastest?
A: My Dad's.

Q: If you could change your name, what would it be?
A: Anberlin Kristine

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A graphic designer, musician, and mom

Q: are you dating right now?
A: No comment

Q: Who is your musical inspiration?
A: Sarah Kelly. Even though I'm not the hugest fan of her music style, she is an incredibly humble, and honest, and one of the most fun people to hang out with.

Q: who are your best friends?
A: (not in order) My sibs & cousins, Emma, Rachel, Kati, Natalie, Sarah,
Johanna, Libby, Lexi, Meaghan, Paige, Tracie, Markers, (LOL, Mark)
Misha, Evah, Patrick, Josh, Marissa.
That's all that comes to mind now.

Q: What is running through your mind right now?
A: Wow these questions are random.

Q: song that makes you smile?
A: one of those days, 33 Miles.

Q: how do you usually say goodbye?
A: Later, Au Revoir

Posted by ShoZu


  1. cool Q&A
    maybe i should do one of those
    lol i won't steal your idea ;)
    that's a lot of bets friends!
    rock on!

  2. Lol.
    Awesome Q&A
    My dads too!
    LOL< check out my blogg!

  3. Awesome Q and A. and awesome picture, btw. I hope you'll take this as a complement and not as something a stalker would say, but you have lovely eyes. So blue...like the ocean after a storm. I tried to sound poetic, but it's a little corny.

  4. cool q&a, my dads number is the only one i can ever remember. :P

  5. Q: What is the phone number you can dial the fastest?
    A: My Dad's or Mom's (only the last digit is dif...)

    Q: If you could change your name, what would it be?
    A: Kristlynn Rolandy

    Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
    A: A mom (adopted!) hopefully in a job I like, I'm not sure...
    Q: are you dating right now?
    A: NOPE not Interested >.>
    Q: Who is your musical inspiration?
    A: My brother. He can play whole songs just by listening he can't even actually read notes well

    Q: who are your best friends?
    A: Not sure.... IDK lots of ppl at dif. levels

    Q: What is running through your mind right now?
    A: ...personal...

    Q: song that makes you smile?
    A: kids, Calabria 2008

    Q: how do you usually say goodbye?
    A: buh-bye (online) , bye love ya (in person, if I'm talking to certain ppl...)


"Sometimes the world seems like a big hole. You spend all your life shouting down it and all you hear are echoes of some idiot yelling nonsense down a hole"
_Adam Duritz

I love hearing things that aren't my own pathetic echoes.